Gracie's 5th Birthday

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Yesterday was our grand daughter, Gracie's fifth birthday. She still is such a little peanut it is hard to believe that she is 5 years old now. Julie had invited so many friends and family that the party was planned for our house. When Gracie arrived she was mesmerized by the cake Gramma made for her.

Gracie chose to have a Ladybug themed birthday because she has been wanting a ladybug pillow pal so bad. Guess what? She got one!! Along with a bunch of other fun presents

Doesn't she look pretty in the crocheted hat from Gramma and Grampa?! Time to blow out the candles - she blew them out one at a time - savoring the moment I guess.

After everything was cleaned up it was time to get dressed for Trick-Or-Treating Tyler chose to be Batman this year and Gracie dressed up in her Raggedy Ann dress and pinafore that Gramma made her last year (she finally grew into it)

They had a lot of fun gathering all the candy, but were ready to stop when they got tired and cold. Look at their stashes...

Looks like Gracie's favorite was the airheads that Gramma handed out. I always love handing out the candy (and we get a LOT of trick-or-treaters) because I like to hear the comments from the kids. We handed out a variety of candy like Smarties, for the little ones and one little boy was so excited he was running back to his dad saying "Dad, we got SMARTIES" as he is waving them in the air. The older kids got airheads and one kid said "wow! I'm coming back to your house next year!" and then another one said "This is the second best treat of the night!" When I asked him what was the best treat - he told me someone handed out full sized Snickers. Not sure who that someone was, but my grand kids didn't bring one home in their bag. When the kids dump out their stash I get right in there to see what their first pick is going to be and which one they plan to share with Gramma (tehe). Tyler was very quick to say that I could have his individual bag of mini carrots. Who gives carrots to trick-or-treaters?

What will this next year hold for our little Gracie? We are seeing some gradual changes with her in school now. She is willing to write her name now because Teacher, Mrs. LePard taught her how. What am I?, Chopped liver?? I have been trying to teach her for the last year, but then I remembered how our Joey refused to put his own coat on until he was five. Once he had his fifth birthday he could do all kind of things - including putting his own coat on!! Amazing how they can have such a strong mind set. We pray that Gracie has a growing desire to be more like Jesus every day.



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Welcome to our blog. We have been married for 33 years. Dale works as the facilities manager at Grace Community Church (the same church that we have both attended since we were babies). Christi does day care at home along with her Stampin'Up! business and cake decorating business. We have 3 children. Our daughter Julie is married to Jeremy and has two kids, Tyler and Gracie. She works part time as an Office Manager and full time as a mom to our two grandkids. Jeremy is a chef at Uccello's Italian Restaurant. Our son Jeff works as a Certified Termite Route Technician for ORKIN and was recently married to Jessica. We are thrilled to have this new daughter added to our family. Our son Joey works in the warehouse at Gentex.

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