Today, Jeff and Jess worked at the apartment clearing away all the things we moved in yesterday and deposited in their living room and two bedrooms. He just got home and said they got more than 50% done.
Today, Dale had to return to work and had quite a busy day as he call it his "roof day" when he had to get up on the church's roof to check out the furnaces and to change all the filters. In a building that size it is quite the job.
Thankfully my job today was much simpler. I am really loving this time to myself to get things accomplished around the house. I was able to catch up on my laundry duties, work on the computer without interruption, take a nap....NOOOOO....that would be a waste of my day.!! And I was able to work on some craft projects for the next craft sale creeping up on me one week after the wedding.
Julie and I both got our hair done... This is our cute hair stylist. She is such a great gal - and silly too as you can see
Now that Jeff has moved his things out it was time to ORGANIZE!! We picked up these shelving units over the weekend and tonight Dale helped me put them up.
So the room went from this...
to this...
And this...
When we posted on our blog Sunday about our remodel project I noticed that these two walls looked very plain in the photos so Dale also helped me hang this beautiful metal vine on the dining room wall and these shelves (ledges) on the living room wall...
they don't look like much yet, but wait until I get things to set on them. Perhaps a nice picture of the new Bride and Groom!!
To top off the day, Dale ended up mowing the lawn - mostly in the dark. Good thing the mower has headlights!! You ROCK Baby!!
Another full, but fun day!
Wedding Week Day 2
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Posted with love by
Dale and Christi Waite
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