Tuesday Tasks #7

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

No pictures today - sorry, but I told Dale I would still blog for him. You just can't imagine how thankful I have been for Dale's Tuesdays off. Not only has he accomplished many boring chores around the house, he has also helped me to entertain Aiden - the five year old boy who comes all day Tuesday. Yesterday Aiden helped Dale work outside which was soooo good for him. They cut down the raspberries, roses, and other plants, and picked up all the leaves getting our yard "winter ready". Dale came in so very cold it took him hours to warm up.

Because of sleeping babies he had to save a task for later in the day/early evening. But my allergies thank him so much for moving our bed to vacuum under it and dusting the walls down. If I were alone I would have to hire this job out - so I am VERY thankful for his servants heart.

On Monday he helped at Julie's house as their furnace went out on Sunday. Good thing it didn't get too cold that night, but we did loan them our small heater to warm up the kids rooms before bedtime.

There are so many many many more little things he does on these days off that sometimes I forget to blog them, but you get the drift - right?!!! he is a GREAT guy and I am thankful that he is MINE!!

Thanks Babe!! I love you!!



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Welcome to our blog. We have been married for 33 years. Dale works as the facilities manager at Grace Community Church (the same church that we have both attended since we were babies). Christi does day care at home along with her Stampin'Up! business and cake decorating business. We have 3 children. Our daughter Julie is married to Jeremy and has two kids, Tyler and Gracie. She works part time as an Office Manager and full time as a mom to our two grandkids. Jeremy is a chef at Uccello's Italian Restaurant. Our son Jeff works as a Certified Termite Route Technician for ORKIN and was recently married to Jessica. We are thrilled to have this new daughter added to our family. Our son Joey works in the warehouse at Gentex.

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