Tuesday Tasks #5

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

This morning I woke up to what is supposed to be a beautiful day and week. The weather is supposed to be in the 60’s to near 70’s and Sunny through Thursday. But it’s still quite cold in the mornings so I decided to work on inside tasks to start the day. Last week I got my office/ computer room in order but did not get to the storage closet in that room, so I took everything out and wiped it all down and reorganized it. I did not take a picture of it because “Hey, it’s just a closet." Then in the afternoon when it was nice and warm I decided to take on the two sliders that need cleaning a couple of times a year. We have a power steam cleaner that makes the job much easier, but it’s still not a whole lot of fun. Charlie, one of Christi’s Day-Care kids, just loves to be in on the action so I let him give me a hand. Charlie is just over a year old and not walking yet, but he can get anywhere fast so we have to keep everything up and out of the way for good 'ole Charlie. He is a great kid and always has a smile for you.

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After supper I was off to my cousin Jerry Vruggink’s home to help some others from church load up a semi-trailer for their son Tony who is moving to Colorado. I took a picture of Christi just before I left. She was just worn out from a day with the kids, but she didn't want it stuck in cyberland. You could not pay me enough to do what she does. She has like 6 or 7 kids all under the age of 5 not counting our Grandkids. Today at lunch I caught her feeding both Charlie (13 months) and Caleb who is about 10 months old at the same time. She was feeding Charlie with her left hand and Caleb with her right. Now that is multi-tasking. I love you my Dear and appreciate the hard work you do each day.



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Welcome to our blog. We have been married for 33 years. Dale works as the facilities manager at Grace Community Church (the same church that we have both attended since we were babies). Christi does day care at home along with her Stampin'Up! business and cake decorating business. We have 3 children. Our daughter Julie is married to Jeremy and has two kids, Tyler and Gracie. She works part time as an Office Manager and full time as a mom to our two grandkids. Jeremy is a chef at Uccello's Italian Restaurant. Our son Jeff works as a Certified Termite Route Technician for ORKIN and was recently married to Jessica. We are thrilled to have this new daughter added to our family. Our son Joey works in the warehouse at Gentex.

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