Last Saturday was our annual night to take Tyler and Gracie out to have our photo taken together,
(Believe me the photo from the photographer turned out much better than this one with the timer on our camera), a yummy dinner at Steak 'n Shake then back to Gramma and Grampa's house to do some creating in the kitchen.
This year we decided to cut brownie shapes using cookie cutters and then decorate them...Sticky fingers = a tasty lick.
Even Grampa got into it this year.
And this is our finished product - don't they look yummy?!
Look at all the left over pieces... Can you say "Brownie Trifle"? So we froze these pieces and will use them soon for a yummy trifle.
After we cleaned up we played a few games of UNO before it was time for the kids to go home.
Even though we get to see the kids a lot during the week while Julie works, we always look forward to this special night with the kids, and we look forward to the future years when perhaps there will be more grandchildren to join our fun.
Dale and Christi
aka Gramma and Grampa
Annual Grandpa & Grandma Night
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Posted with love by
Dale and Christi Waite
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