Last Saturday was our annual night to take Tyler and Gracie out to have our photo taken together,
(Believe me the photo from the photographer turned out much better than this one with the timer on our camera), a yummy dinner at Steak 'n Shake then back to Gramma and Grampa's house to do some creating in the kitchen.
This year we decided to cut brownie shapes using cookie cutters and then decorate them...Sticky fingers = a tasty lick.
Even Grampa got into it this year.
And this is our finished product - don't they look yummy?!
Look at all the left over pieces... Can you say "Brownie Trifle"? So we froze these pieces and will use them soon for a yummy trifle.
After we cleaned up we played a few games of UNO before it was time for the kids to go home.
Even though we get to see the kids a lot during the week while Julie works, we always look forward to this special night with the kids, and we look forward to the future years when perhaps there will be more grandchildren to join our fun.
Dale and Christi
aka Gramma and Grampa
Annual Grandpa & Grandma Night
An Eventful Evening
On Saturday we went with Jeff & Jessica to pick out some furniture for their living room. We had decided to wait to buy their wedding gift until after they were settled in. They decided they would like a new entertainment unit to hold their TV and Stereo and DVD player. We had a great time and then went out to eat afterwards. On Monday night I picked up their new piece of furniture at Talsma’s warehouse and brought it out to their apartment. When I arrived Jeff was just working on finishing up washing the dishes, and so Jessica was showing me around the apartment and how they had set their home up. We were almost done when we hear Jeff yell “LOUDLY”, OUCH!!!!!!!!. We came into the kitchen to find him in pain and holding a towel around his right hand tightly. He had reached into the sink to grab the next thing to wash and there was a broken glass underneath the soap suds and it cut deeply into his right hand. After taking a look at it, we new right away it would need some stitches I drove Jeff and Jessica to Spectrum Emergency on Wilson and M-6. We spent about 2 hours there, and after 15 stitches and his hand wrapped up we were on our way back to their home. Jeff was a real trouper and he still helped me carry the entertainment unit up one flight of stairs and into their home and unpacked it. We were just thankful that he did not cut any major nerves or ligaments. He even was able to smile for the camera.
I did tease Jessica that this would not have happened if they would have used their dishwasher.
Tuesday Tasks #8
"Tuesday Tasks" is coming to a close - in fact yesterday was my last Tuesday off for a while. Good thing Christi's "honey-do" list is nearly completed too.
Sometimes it's the last few 'little' things that I have put off are the least 'fun' to do, like fixing a drawer that wouldn't open and had to have new runners put on it, and then there is the wall decor'... Christi put up this verse above the sink in the kitchen a while back, but never got to
adding the reference So this week was the week to finish it off.
Then there was the empty wall above the couch by the front window...These proved to be a bit of a challenge but we are very happy with results.
Of course while you're up there you might just as well do a little cleaning...When we were all done Christi said "Done" the remodel project that started last spring is FINALLY - TOTALLY complete! Of course, that is, until she finds something else to do (haha)
Labels: Tuesday Tasks