So what does one do on a SNOW DAY? Instead of three little ones to care for - add to the mix two school age kids and what do you get? NOISE, NOISE and more NOISE!! Oh, it wasn’t TOO bad, but I think my ears are still ringing. To the added children I had an interview for another child – which looks promising – to add to our day care. Then, Charlie had a Dr. appointment so there was the in and out times for that. It seemed a zoo there for a while, but all in all the day went well. Rachel loves to read to Charlie
Craft time
Snack Time – Red Cake!! After all it is Valentine season
Nap time – YES!!!
Some out door play
Okay I’m cheating – I took these outdoor pictures on a previous snow day, but they did play outside for a nice chunk of time.
And now that schools were closed today that means the church activities are closed tonight as well so what does that mean? It means I have my hubby home all night! What a nice break for (him) us.
A nice new coat of pure white snow on the ground always makes me think of the verse from Isaiah (1:18) Come now, let us reason together, says the LORD: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool.
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