Today was the big move for Joey and Jeff. Dale and I helped them move – Joey, from the apartment to his new house in Holland and we also moved Jeff back in with us (for a time). We are very proud of how Joey diligently saved and planned for his first home. His goal was to be able to access the tax credit for new home owners before the offer ran out.
So our day begins with…DONUTS! A must-have to keep your energy up on a busy day – right!
Believe me, the slates from the pool table were VERY HEAVY! so… I carried the TV instead! OK, so it’s not a wide screen TV! (smile)
Joey’s new house
Kitchen – anyone want to donate to the “Joey needs a little table, fund?”
The upstairs is a bit reminiscent of Dale’s Grandma Bolhuis’ house – up the stairs and around a corner – tight fitting sooooo….
luckily Joey’s house has a handy dandy door that leads to the roof of his garage or we would have had to dismantle his box mattress to get it to the upstairs. Dale shovels the roof so he doesn’t slip off.
This picture is a little dark, but this shows the inside by the door that is at the top of the stairs that leads to the roof of the garage. And this is a small room off the master bedroom that the other couple used for a nursery. Joey is going to make it his “office.”
Joey’s couch had to go around the front and through the front door in order to fit in. It was a tight squeeze.
Notice how the boys are always watching their dad do the work!! (smile)
This is a perfect little “starter” house for Joey. The yard is actually quite large and he is anxious for Spring to see how his yard looks without all the snow. The people who lived there were great organizers and left Joey detailed instructions about the underground sprinkling and the landscaping – when to trim each item and what to do each season. It was so neat how they left the keys for everything all tagged, and the instructions for everything imaginable. He worked in the deal for them to leave the washer and dryer so I imagine he will need to do some laundry tonight.
Good Night Everyone!! Hope you enjoyed the tour!!
Christi and Dale
PS – go ahead – I dare you – ask Dale about his shin!!!