Here I am up at the wee hours of the morning. Sleep comes and goes when it wants so I'm just like a baby and up in the middle of the night. The nerve block wore off yesterday afternoon so now I can really feel the pain associated with surgery. The drugs make me a bit "loopy" Julie says, but all in all we are managing. Dale was so sweet to take Wednesday off work
to take care of the kids for me - and he had such a great attitude about all the tasks that were involved. Tyler made a chalk man by tracing around Grampa in the driveway. Gracie put the balloon between her legs and said "look, I'm a bug" She looked just like a little lightening bug flitting about. So not only is Dale taking care of me and the kids, he made a yummy new recipe for our dinner AND look at this delicious bread he made... It is called CREAM CHEESE APRICOT BREAD. It was one of the winners at last years COOPERSVILLE DAYS BAKE-OFF AND CRAFT SALE that I was involved in.
Gracie gets the first taste of Grampa's bread
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